People walking and biking along Washington Street at the Melrose border

Want to “Go Green” for Earth Day? Replace One Car Trip per Day

In celebration of Earth Week 2021, the Melrose Energy Commission published a “Go Green Pledge” which challenges residents to take immediate steps to curb their impacts on the local environment. When the Commission asked our officers for a transportation-focused goal they could include, we suggested a small change which can have a huge impact: replace one car trip each day with walking, biking, scootering, or any other mode of active transportation.

It is critical that we all begin doing what we can to reduce transportation emissions. Transportation is the #1 source of U.S. climate pollution and is the largest source of air pollution of any sector of the Massachusetts economy. Luckily, we can all make dramatic reductions in our personal transportation emissions even if not all car trips can be substituted. One recent study which looked at the climate change mitigation effects of daily active travel found that if 10% of the population were to replace one car trip each day with a bike trip, overall transportation emissions would be expected to decrease by about 10%, with even higher potential for reduction if those trips are substituted with public transit. That same study found that choosing a bike over a car just once a day reduces an average citizen’s carbon emissions from transport by 67%.

The Ped/Bike Committee encourages all modes of active transportation, and ardently supports public transportation in Melrose. We do not currently live in a city — or a world — where it is possible for 100% of the population to immediately replace 100% of their car trips through active or public transportation. But we also do not live in a world where we can afford to wait on making individual and collective changes. The science of climate change is clear. If you are physically able to begin replacing one car trip per day, we urge you to do so. Not only is it necessary for the planet, but it will dramatically improve local air quality, help keep road maintenance costs lower, make you feel much more connected to your city, and keep our streets far safer for everyone. And did we mention it’s good for you, and frequently sort of fun, too?

Here are some ideas:

  • Instead of driving your kids to school dropoff, ride bikes together. You can leave their bikes at the school bike rack and then ride home.
  • Instead of driving to the grocery store, time your shopping trips to take the 131 bus or the 137 bus, which go past Shaw’s and Whole Foods.
  • Instead of driving to pick up takeout, walk or bike! Looking to get a cargo basket for your bicycle? Call our friends at JRA in Malden or City Cycle in Stoneham.
  • Instead of driving to Oak Grove, bike there.

We’d love to hear your ideas on how YOU are swapping car trips for bike trips locally. If you need help with suggestions for your specific situation, let us know!

Take the pledge — and we can’t wait to see you out there on our streets and sidewalks!