North/South Bicycle Network Plan

In Fall of 2017, the City of Melrose applied for a MassDOT Complete Streets grant for three local projects, one of which was the striping of a North-South Bike Route. Projects proposed for year one funding included a North-South Bikeway, which was funded at $23,000 and proposed start date of 2018. This project was described in the proposal as:

New bike lanes, shared bike lanes, and/or neighborhood greenways to create a comprehensive north‐south bicycling route from Franklin Street to West Wyoming Avenue and on Main Street from West Wyoming north to the Wakefield line. Bicycle infrastructure exists at the limits of this project (or is proposed elsewhere in the Prioritization Plan) that would be connected by the installation of these bicycle improvements.

While the City was waiting for MassDOT’s decision in November 2017, the DPO invited the Ped-Bike Committee to provide feedback on the proposed routes along with recommendations for wayfinding signage. The Committee’s recommendations were similar to the City’s. We proposed minor changes and add a third route, resulting in three options: a low stress route, a business route, and a commuter route. In addition, the Committee recommended specific roadway treatments that will enhance cyclist safety and encourage residents who may be uncomfortable riding in the streets to give it a try. Finally, the plan provides signage and wayfinding recommendations.

You can access the full version of our report here.

The DPW’s 2018 presentation to the city on the North-South Bike Route can be found here.